Movimento continuo

Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York 2012

The continuous monument is a part of history, and being part of history is subject to, critics, obsolescence, reuse and predation. IT IS not democratic but it is an imperial architecture. IT DOES not increase the degree of freedom of the city and its citizens. IT IS not economically sustainable. IT IS neutral from the material point of view. IT IS no longer meaningful: from content signifier becomes emptiness of meaning. IT IS available, for position and modularity, to predation. If the network is the real meaningful infrastructure, the continuous monument as unique architectural system, is obsolete.
In this context, citizens start using the continuous monument as a quarry for construction materials. As happened to the Coliseum in late antiquity, its dismantling becomes natural and unavoidable and its re-use as raw material for other constructions becomes a necessity. Losing the collective meaning of Monument, architecture becomes pure landscape, and can be compared to a natural element as a mountain rock.

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